So, last blog was when I went to Green Bay to see Jay coach right? What has happened since then...
Yes, I just checked my calendar to see what I've done...I think there is something in the desert air causing short term memory lose.
Well, I have recently started Senior Development at work, which basically means I am training to be a Senior, or in charge of a group. It is a promotion, and a big one. It basically means that when I am out for a week with a group I am in charge, legally! eeks. So, I have to go through a few weeks of SD to be ready in the eyes of my bosses for the new challenge. I was talking to a senior recently and said I was worried because I hadn't seen a lot of challenging stuff and he told me that they aren't hiring me because I have seen it all, but because they trust me to make the right decisions when I am in a tight spot. It can be a stressful preiod for a lot people. My first week of it was indeed stressful and I was more tired than I have been in my 15 months with the company. I have the week off this week and will get back to it next week.
I also started and finished a book "A Year living the Bible Literally". At first glance I thought it looked sacraligious and didn't want to read it, then a friend of mine who is Christian as well had it and let me borrow it. So basically this guy who doesn't believe in God is interested in relgion so he decides to follow the Bible litterally for a whole year. It was an eye opening read and suggest it to anyone who at times questions what the Bible tells us. He is more respectful and open than I thought he would be and really enjoyed the book.
Ok, bad timing to start a blog, my flight is about to board....