Sunday, March 28, 2010

To Clarify

My earlier post today was pretty vague, so maybe I can clear things up so that people don't have to wonder and you can just know what's going on in Jessica Land.

I have 2 off shifts left here, so that is basically 12 days out of the field that I have left here. So, basically, not much time at all considering I have to prepare to LEAVE Utah for good and spend time with people I care about here and tie up all of my loose ends. I have done a lot and I guess the most overwhelming part is trying to squeeze time in with people and thinking that my time is dwindling so quickly and then...poof...I will be gone from their daily world and them from mine. I always knew I would move back to TN so when I left almost 2 years ago it wasn't like "bye forever". What really is the chance that I will ever live in the same town as these friends ever again, slim; so it is seeming very final, this upcoming goodbye.

So, my main struggle the past few months and really what I feel lately is, is do I push through these feelings and really make the most of my time here and make it harder to leave these wonderful wonderful people, or do I start pulling away from them to make leaving easier? I think this is something I have always struggled with, and now it seems like it is a daily debate with myself...stay or run?

Today I had a moment that really tested me, and I came close to just leaving and seperating myself and convincing myself that was the best choice for me. I was able to push through it and find some kind of resolution with it, and it was hard. And now there is more of a bond than there was yesterday bc of it...does that make sense? So, essentially that has made leaving just that much harder?

Ok, I am getting myself into a pity party. I guess I am daily dumbfounded at how hard this leaving Utah project is turning out to be. I think work this week will be a great distraction from all of it...or it just might force me to look at it...let's cross our fingers for distraction.

Speaking of distractions...I have been running a lot lately...5 days straight now to be exact! It is hard to run in the field, so 6 in a row is all I can do now. I am keeping it to 1-2 miles right now, but that is still enough for me. I am also now going daily to the sauna at my gym. If you have never done it, I suggest it! I love the feeling of so much leaving my body in the form of sweat. There are plenty of health benefits and I also enjoy the mental benefits of sitting still and focusing on my thoughts. I am trying to build up to staying in there for an hour. Right now I am at 37 mins with one break. I am doing it bc I love the feeling and also to work on my self discipline, being able to sit in an uncomfortable place(a good metephore for my life)

Ok, I'm really done. I need to get some sleep!

Need some Prayers

Hey to those who read this on a semi-regular basis. I'm having one of those days, and could use some prayers from some peace to come live in my heart. I am sure some of you will read this days after I read it, and I'm sure I will still need those prayers whenever you read it. Thanks to those who can send up some prayers for me.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Easter Eggs!

One of my favorite things about spring time is Easter, and I think the south celebrates it more than most regions. It is an all day event for us southerners! So, last year I had to work on Easter and this year I will be again:( As sad as it is, it is really great to spend that day in nature and think of what Jesus was going through and how it all happened in nature. So, when I stop feeling sorry for myself, I realize I am probably getting more out of the day than most will.

Still, i am a fan of tradition and dying eggs is one of my favorite things to do! So, I found this kit that said it was super easy, so I bought it planning on doing it with JP, big surprise. So today she and I and her oldest son Taegyn boiled up some eggs and had a egg dying party! Jp and I probably had more fun than Tae did, but he was having fun too! Here are some pictures from our fun!

Hope everyone has a great Easter!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring in the Desert

I have to say that spring time is my favorite season in the desert. Everything is in bloom and the heat is just right...not like the oven it can feel like in the summer time. I am so thankful that I get to spend another spring here before I leave Utah, maybe it wasn't the best timing that I leave during my favorite time...hmm. I got to work in our lower field area this week and it is about 10 degrees warmer than the upper field area where I have been ALL winter long. So, it was a welcomed break from the cold and snow. I actually got a little sun burned and I love it!! I took a nap one day and the sun felt so warm and comforting on my back, like a big blanket! Here are some pictures from the week.

The Lizards enjoy the warm rocks just as much as I do

Chaco weather! You can still see the snowy peaks in the distance

Happy to be at work!