Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Second Nature Style

So, As many of you know I spent my Christmas in the field this year. I had major reservations about this leading up to the start of my shift, lots of tears on my part, lots of love from my family members. I ended up working in the girls group that I love and with JP and Erik, who are like my older sister and younger brother here, so I had the perfect set up going into the week. It was also an 11 day shift so that added some stress to the week. As a staff we brought a lot of fun things out for the holiday because it is really hard for those kids to be out there on holidays and keep doing their therapy and be missing their families.

I have to admit that I love Christmas Eve more than Christmas, all the anticipation is what I really enjoy, so I did a lot of my fun stuff on Christmas Eve. I had an ipod and speakers so we watched Charlie Brown Christmas, my all time favorite, then I read to them a book that mom got me, "A Tennessee Night Before Christmas" I of course cried on the last line, "Good night Tennessee, I wish I could Stay". That night I stayed up late and made stockings from ziplock bags and hung them up in the canvas tent we were staying in. They had recieved letters from family and I put those in there. I really enjoyed doing that for the girls, so that they would have something fun to wake up to. They really enjoyed it I think. Ok, my battery is about to die. I know Ash is probably going to comment on me always cutting these short...I'm sorry dear sister!!! I might finish at the airport friday!! haha