Monday, February 1, 2010

Senior Time

So, today marks a great day for me...I have become a Senior level staff at Second Nature Entrada! You start as you may know as an intern, then progress to level 1, then eventually level 2, which is where you spend most of your time. After you go through Senior Development so that you can try it out as a senior with a "real" senior there with you. After they feel like you have done enough to get through that, you take a test and are officially a Senior! That just means you are the head staff in a staff team that works with a group, so basically you are in charge and legally where the buck stops, so a lot of responsibility is placed on you at that point. So, after starting as an intern that was not gauranteed a position, I have made it a year and a half later to become a Senior! It is hard to explain how excited I am to be able to be a senior with this company that I love and respect. And another cool thing is that there are only 3 female seniors right now and the other two happen to be my best friends Jess and Jp! So, I'm excited for my first week as a senior even though it is only going to be a half week because I am taking some vacation time for the Super Bowl and headed to Detroit!!! I am excited for a break from hard work and the snow, and we are supposed to get dumped on the day I leave the field!! Here's hopping I make it out!!

1 comment:

Susan Washburn said...

Yea, yea, yea! So proud and excited for you! Have a great few days in the field, and you'd better get out! Can't wait to see you on Saturday!