Thursday, August 20, 2009

6 months later...

Been a while since I have been on this thingy, glad i remembered my password! I'm sure the past months have been eventful, some things that are different since my last post in Feb...I am a Wilderness First Responder...What does that mean? Well, say you and I are hiking deep in the woods, hours away from medical care and you fall and break you ankle or pop your shoulder out of place...well, I can pop it back in or split your ankle until we get to doctors. It is a pretty amazing thing to have and a neccesary one if you want to work in the wilderness field where you have people in your care 24 hrs a day. It was an intense 8 day course, and i was lucky enough to take it in Boone, Nc and spend the week with Uncle Chris and his family. Mom had been out here 2 times and dad once. We had amazing times both trips. It is great for them to see where I am living and picture how my life works out here. I think it reasures them that I am going to be ok when they meet all the amazing people in my life, and then they realize that I really do love it out here and they get sad because they know I'm not leaving anytime soon:( I turned big deal there. Mom on the other hand turned 60 with a celebration at the beach in South Carolina surrounded by her children and grandchildren, it truley was a magical week that will hopefully get repeated for all her birthdays! My friend from college Anna came out to visit as well and we hiked the Narrows, a hike in Zion national park that is almost all in water, some parts go up to your chest and you get to go back in narrow canyons, it was amazing and great to have a friend out here for a week. 

More recently I met mom in Ohio for THE START OF FOOTBALL SEASON! The titans were starting the season with a game against the Buffalo Bills in the Hall of fame game. Not only was this a chance to see FOOTBALL, it was a chance to see the Pro Football HOF - something I have always wanted to experience, and let me say it didn't disapoint. For someone who's life has been shaped and molded by football like rocks have been shaped like water, it was great to get to see and be a part of the history. As I walked in I will gladly admit I had to fight back a good deal of emotion. Even though no Washburn will most likely ever BE in the HOF...we are a part of Pro Football, so we are in a sense in the hall, and now a new generation is there. The game was amazing as well, we played great and it was fun to see live action Football, something not aboundful in Utah;)

So now that we are caught up let's move to the present tense...I am about to celebrate my year at Second Nature Entrada! It is hard for me to realize that I have spend a year of my life in Utah and about half of that sleeping on the ground in the upper desert...where does the time go? This year though has been by far one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. It is true that we sometimes get just as much therapy as the clients, it is hard to work here and not take a deeper look at yourself, which is not easy! 

This off shift I am headed to Jackson, Wy with my roomate Erik, he is leaving to go back to college in NY and we decided to take a roadtrip together before he leaves. I will be beyond sad when he leaves, he had become like a little brother to me and it will not be the same when he leaves. I will put up a few shots from the last few months then it is off to pack the car and hit the road...

A perk of getting to work in the Wilderness...this is a sunset from the night Steve McNair died

me and the goofy parents!

This is just to show you the funny people I work with, trying to get me to dance he decided a proposal was neccesary!

The water got deep fast..

Maybe I will be able to keep this more up to date in the next busy months of fall...just badger me, that usually works!


Ashley said...

Nice summary of what's been going on with you. Now you'll need to update after you road trip with Erik! Welcome back to the world of blgging!

Jessica said...

Thanks, I was worried about being shunned by the bloggin community;)